I Choose To Trust

Dear Yuchun,

It’s almost 3 AM in my corner of the world and I have been staring into space for I don’t know how long. I should sleep now because I have to be at work early tomorrow (or early later). But how can I sleep when I know you are in pain?

I wasn’t calm a while ago, I was crying so much. It was so hard to keep my heart and my body still. But I tried for you. I tried to be sensible. There are things I’ve never done in my life which I did for you and because of you. If you say all you need right now is our faith and trust, YOU HAVE IT. YOU HAVE IT! This is not blind faith and trust. My heart has eyes, and it says “I trust you.” I know in my heart I did not love you for nothing. There are so many reasons why Chunsas love you so deeply. We cannot be all blind.

But we are not your fans right now. We are your friends. We are your family. We are not leaving you to go through this alone. You have been through so much in this life. You’ve had your ups, but your downs could break a lesser man. But you sailed through them like the survivor that you are. And you will sail past this nightmarish ordeal again. So get some rest for now, sweetheart, gain strength, and go out there tomorrow and prove them wrong!

God bless you my dear Yuchun. I pray to God that He grants you His peace.

Always here for you,



4 thoughts on “I Choose To Trust

  1. woke up in d middle of d night too . . . was too sleepy yet not able to get a good rest coz of ds nightmare . . . wanted to stay awake waiting for someone to tell that it was all a mistake and yoochun is just fine but as d sun rises high no good news yet to hear, still i believe in him . . . whatever happened, i believe yoochun . . . all stories have their beginnings though it ended not well, still i have my faith in him . . . praying for all things to turn out fine, in Jesus name.


  2. “If you say all you need right now is our faith and trust, YOU HAVE IT. YOU HAVE IT! This is not blind faith and trust. My heart has eyes, and it says “I trust you.” ”

    Just in case boy comes to pages, repeating this so he can hear us loud & clear~^^


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